Hey lawyers,

Are you ready to find your chill? To stop wasting time and procrastinating at a job you hate? To stop daydreaming about finally having a fun career? To stop listening to advice from everyone else about what you should do and instead figure out what you actually want to do?

I’m Adriana, a mindful productivity coach (that’s what you get when you mix a lawyer with a yoga teacher). My mission is to help lawyers redesign their jobs so they have more time to build lives they love. My goal for you is not to fit in more things to do, but rather to work smarter and live better.

I offer two signature coaching programs:

The Chill Lawyer

In this 8-week program, I help lawyers learn how to better manage their time and in turn, gain 10 hours a week back, so they can create lives they love. This program is for you if you feel overwhelmed, disorganized, unable to manage tasks, and constantly falling behind at work. We take well-researched productivity methods and customize them for your individual working style so that it doesn’t feel unmanageable. After working with me, you will be able to implement these productivity techniques for life.

This coaching program is for any lawyer, but I have found it most beneficial to law firm associates and solo attorneys.

The Chill Career

This 8-week program is perfect for mid-level lawyers who are considering a career transition, whether to another practice area or completely outside of the law. From my own experience as an attorney who has pivoted several times in my career, I will help you answer the most important question: What should you do next? For this, we will work together to uncover your talents and interests, and learn what makes you happy, what makes you tick, and what feels bleh at work.

Every week we will go through exercises that bring you closer to answering this ultimate question and gaining clarity about your next career move.

about me…

I spent 10 years as a practicing lawyer until I pivoted to professional development at a law firm. I’ve been a summer associate, associate, counsel, and director of litigation. In the past few years, I went from a Type A perfectionist to a calmer version of myself where I have my ideal job and work fewer hours, all by eliminating time sucks and focusing my attention on the things that matter. With my newfound time freedom, I wrote a book Rising Lawyer: From Summer Associate to First-Year Associate and currently writing my second book, got my Yoga Teacher Training certification, and started this business. I have more energy than ever and I’ve been more productive than ever.

After working with so many lawyers over the years, I realized that I can help others transform their lives just like I did. The secret is learning to listen to your inner voice and following your curiosity.

If you want to hear more about my story, you can listen to my interviews on the following podcasts: Former Lawyer, Joyful Practice, Newfangled Lawyer, and Powerhouse Lawyers.

My personal values are: authenticity, curiosity, laughter, independence, rest & relaxation