Hey lawyers,

What would you do if you had 10 extra hours every single week? No, seriously.

I’m Adriana, a mindful productivity coach (that’s what you get when you mix a lawyer with a yoga teacher). My mission is to help lawyers redesign their jobs so they have more time to build lives they love. My goal for you is not to fit in more things to do, but rather to work smarter and live better.

Busyness is not a badge of honor. It’s a sign of misaligned priorities.


You’re probably stressed, unmotivated & despairing over your never-ending to-do list. You’ve scoured the internet for inspiration and productivity hacks, still procrastinating every time you stare at your computer. You’ve read all the recommended time management books. You might have even half-listened to a few CLEs on the topic. Every year you plan to do better, to be more organized, to be more on top of it.

Instead here you are: doing a lot but not accomplishing anything

You’re fighting every day to manage your time better. But all you have is more work. And then even more work. More deadlines. More unfinished projects. And still less time to do it all. Less energy. Less joy.


Through my 1:1 coaching program, I will help you get 10 hours back every week. Yep, that’s around 500 hours a year or 20 whole days back! After just 8 weeks of working with me, you will:

🌱Get rid of your biggest time sucks for good

🌱Choose your priorities & actually stick with them

🌱Intuitively schedule your day to optimize for peak performance & account for rest

🌱Spend time doing things you love

🌱Control your email inbox

We take the methods that I know work and adapt them to your individual style so that you have complete ownership over your new life. No more trying to adopt someone else’s tricks or trying to conform to another person’s perfect schedule. With my program, you will be able to follow it for life.


I spent 10 years as a practicing lawyer until I pivoted to professional development at a law firm. I’ve been a summer associate, associate, counsel, and director of litigation. In the past few years, I went from a Type A perfectionist to a calmer version of myself where I have my ideal job and work fewer hours, all by eliminating time sucks and focusing my attention on the things that matter. With my newfound time freedom, I wrote a book Rising Lawyer: From Summer Associate to First-Year Associate and currently writing my second book, got my Yoga Teacher Training certification, and started this business. I have more energy than ever and I’ve been more productive than ever.

After working with so many lawyers over the years, I realized that what’s holding you back from living to your fullest potential is time. Imagine what you could do with an extra 10 hours back every week! Actually, you don’t have to just imagine it—you can have it.

If you want to hear more about my story, you can listen to my interviews on the following podcasts: Former Lawyer, Joyful Practice, Newfangled Lawyer, and Powerhouse Lawyers.

My personal values are: authenticity, curiosity, laughter, independence, rest & relaxation